Puzzled as to why your coupon or purchase confirmation was not sent to your email address after purchase? There could be a few reasons for this as outlined below.
A friendly reminder that your purchases can be viewed at anytime in your GrabOne account, for more information on this please click here to read our Helpdesk article: Locating Coupons and Purchases in your GrabOne Account
Email address under your GrabOne account is not verified.
It may be that your email address is not verified. To check if your email address is verified, please log out of your GrabOne account if you are already logged in.
Log back into your account, if your email address is verified, you will see your account details. If your email address is not verified, you will land on the below page:
Simply click Resend Verification Email in order for an email to be sent to you to verify your email address, it should look something like the below screenshot.
Note: If you clicked Resent Verification Email and have not had anything come through, please check your spam or junk folder. If you are still unable to verify your email address please reach out to our friendly Support team via our contact channels outlined in this article: Contact GrabOne Support
Next, click Confirm email - you're now all verified! Future purchase confirmation emails will now land in your inbox.
If you have verified your email address and you are not seeing any purchase confirmation emails come through, please reach out to our friendly Support team via our Contact Us form here or email: helpdesk@grabone.co.nz
GrabOne emails landing in your spam folder
You might've marked one of our emails as spam once upon a time, it's likely that your purchase confirmation may have landed in your junk/spam folder - please check this folder for a GrabOne confirmation email.
Your purchases can be viewed at anytime in your GrabOne account, for more information on this please click here to read our Helpdesk article: Locating Coupons and Purchases in your GrabOne Account